Instruments of Freedom Music Industry Night sponsored by the Center for American Music, Global Leadership Organization, and the School of Communication. (3-3-05)
WHERE: Quadrangle Room at the Student Union on The University of Texas at Austin
campus (UNB 3.304). Here is the site to a campus map to direct you towards the Union: WHEN: 7 to 8:30 p.m., Thursday, March 3. The parking garage is not as close as we would have liked for it to have been, so please allow yourself enough time to be at the Quadrangle Room by 6:40pm. PARKING: There is guaranteed parking in the parking garage on 24th (from 24th - 25th street block) and Nueces next to Quiznos. The parking here is $3, and upon entering the forum, you will immediately be reimbursed. Other forum guests include Eddie Wilson, Clifford Antone, Russ Smith, Margaret Moser, Louis Meyers, Robin Shivers, Nikki Rowling, Paul Minor, and Clay Shorkey. BACKGROUND: Respected members of Austin's pop music industry will share their stories of working in the music business, tell how to get involved, and give advice to those seeking a profession in this field. |